Galen Cerebella™ Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
Galen Cerebella Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system goes beyond charting and dictating. The latest in technology designed for optimum efficiency, it saves you time, money, and streamlines your day. Our EMR is fully integrated with all other components of Cerebella; they were all developed as one application from the start to ensure an increase adaptation success at any practice and any specialty. Linking multiple functions such as Chief complaints with assessment plan, patient handouts and diagnosis helps streamline and speed the process of an encounter.
Features and Functionality:
- Encounter workflow: patient encounter is designed to be efficient, flexible, easy to use, and includes everything any specialty needs. The process starts at the front desk, and continues through the all provider levels, and continues to charges and billing. Visit documentation is faster using linkage and predesigned treatment and assessment plans. When the visit is done so is the chart note, eliminates the need for dictation and typing.
- Templates: All Templates in Cerebella are customizable by provider, user, and/or practice. We do not only give providers the freedom to work the way they like, we also accommodate the staff and their favorite settings. Happy successful staff makes for happy and efficient providers.
- Tablet PC & Mobility: Cerebella is designed for mobility and remote access. We believe using a tablet in the practice is the most efficient method to take advantage of technology. Tablet PC gives providers the ability to do more than just encounter and documentation. Important documents can be signed by the patient at the time of visit directly on the tablet, eliminates the need for printing and scanning.
- Security: user authentication at log in protects patient data from foreign access. In addition our state of the art most restrictive permissions gives management more control at the individual users level.
- Data Access: all users within the practice have all patient data at their finger tip from any location, even home, at all time. Multiple users can access all information at the same time, including chart notes, encounters, prescriptions, orders, patient demographics, and much more…
- e-Prescription: As every other module in cerebella e-prescription is at the provider’s finger tips either from the Tablet Pc or a desktop, from the office or from any other location including home. A medication summary list tracks type of medication prescribed and amount, as well as medication provided by other providers for better control